People and ecosystems

Understanding of the links between coral reef ecosystems, the goods and services they provide to people, and the wellbeing of human societies.


Ecosystem dynamics: past, present and future

Examining the multi-scale dynamics of reefs, from population dynamics to macroevolution


Responding to a changing world

Advancing the fundamental understanding of the key processes underpinning reef resilience.

Coral Bleaching

Coral Bleaching

Coral Reef Studies

From 2005 to 2022, the main node of the ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies was headquartered at James Cook University in Townsville, Queensland (Australia)

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Cost-efficient management of multiple uncertain threats to coral reef ecosystems


Monday, October 17th, 2016 - 11:00 to 12:00 hrs

Building 19, Room 106, JCU Townsville Campus
Vanessa Haller
Vanessa Haller

Abstract: Coral reefs are complex ecosystems that are exposed to multiple interacting threats; however, these threats are commonly managed individually without consideration for how they interact. If not considered, these threat interactions can lead to unsuccessful or even damaging management actions. The research in my thesis aims to reduce, investigate and work with the uncertainty involved with modelling such a complex system, by asking management-related question about multiple threats on two coral reef ecosystems (GBR and Philippines). More specifically, I will quantify the relative importance of multiple threats and their interactions, to prioritise management and direct future research.

Biography: Vanessa is a PhD candidate from James Cook University whose dissertation focuses on quantitative techniques to improve conservation management decisions. She completed her Bachelor of Science with a first class Honours at James Cook University and was awarded a 2016 Aims@JCU Quantitative Marine Science PhD scholarship.  Currently she is working on a quantitative approach to model and manage cumulative impacts on coral reefs.


Australian Research Council Pandora

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Coral Reef Studies