Originally from France, Lauriane developed an interest for marine ecosystems and biodiversity from an early age, spending much of her childhood chasing ornate wrasses and dusky groupers along the Mediterranean coastline. Her journey into understanding species evolution and patterns of diversification started at University Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris) where she completed a BSc in Science of Life and Technologies. Highly diverse coral reefs quickly stood out as particularly interesting study systems, which led her to move to Australia to pursue a MSc in Marine Biology and Ecology at James Cook University. Here, she met her current thesis supervisors, Dr. Peter Cowman and Prof. Morgan Pratchett, and began to explore the evolution, ancestral biogeography and ecology of marine angelfishes as part of her minor project. In 2021, she started her PhD at ARC Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies whereby she continues to explore the evolutionary history of marine angelfishes using novel genomic approaches and bioinformatics. Her thesis aims to explore (1) the phylogenomics and patterns of trait variation for the family using ultra-conserved elements of the genome, (2) the effects of alternate periods of separation and gene flow in recently diverged clades and, the differences in genomic structures and signatures between (3) small and large, and (4) hybridizing pomacanthid species by conducting whole genome sequencing, annotations and genomic comparisons. Lauriane hopes that this research will provide high quality genomic resources (e.g. reference genomes), efficient bioinformatics pipelines and will help to enhance our understanding of reef fish evolution.
Personal Profiles
Personal website https://laurianebaraf.wixsite.com/evoeco
ResearchGate https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Lauriane-Baraf-2
Google scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=fr&user=re4xgEgAAAAJ
Research Interests
Next-generation sequencing
Coral reef ecology